image of St Bartholomew's church

Website Policies


To the best of our knowledge all content hosted on this website is either freely available or created by us. It should also be noted that while we endevour to strictly adhere to official Scout policy, all opinions expressed on this website are those of the person expressing them and may not necessarily reflect those of Scouting as a whole. If you have concerns on either point please get in touch so we can address them.

Cookie Policy

We don't use Cookies. Period. Frankly on a simple website like this there is little reason to and it stops you from needing to navigate yet another popup.


We don't track you or your interaction with this website, there's no need to and we believe in people's right to privacy online. We must note however that as this website is hosted on GitHub Pages they may collect "Personal Information [...] including logs of visitor IP addresses, to comply with legal obligations, and to maintain the security and integrity of the Website and the Service." You can read this directly on their website, but from a practical standpoint you should assume that every website on the internet is at a minimum collecting this information.